From struggle to celebration: How to bring twinkle to your life today ✨

A Client’s Story

A few weeks ago I met with a new client who was feeling “meh” in many ways and ready to do something about it.

As a health and wellbeing coach for sensitive, midlife women, I meet so many wonderful women who are just like her - witty, sensitive, professional, and balancing big dreams with the demands of motherhood and work.

We had barely started our 2nd session when she said, all businesslike, “Should I pull out the spreadsheet of all the things I did wrong this week?”

I could hug her. Luckily, that's not how coaching works, my friend!

Coaching sessions (at least those inspired by the science and research of positive change) don’t start with a litany of gripes like:

“ I skipped 3 workouts.” 

“I used my meditation time to watch Queen Charlotte while scrolling Instagram.”

“I taste-tested 3 kinds of mint chip ice cream and my jeans won’t button.”

Instead, we start with a check-in and a simple question:

What is something from the last few days to celebrate?

This prompt serves a purpose: to reconnect you with a little spark of wonder and joy that I call, unscientifically, “twinkle.”

Twinkle ✨ helps us shift our attention from where we struggle to where we shine.

Or life shines. Something, somewhere is twinkling (yes, even when life feels dark)! It’s the energy of  potential, or resourcefulness, or beauty, or levity. Even when your heart feels heavy and your mind full of fog that demands ice cream.

We don’t deny or minimize what challenges feel true for you. But, even on the weeks where you feel burned to a crisp, there is something to celebrate.

What Is twinkle?

Maybe it’s:

  • When peonies appear at Trader’s Joes (someone pls text me!)

  • Catching your kids being nice to each other

  • A new set of pens

  • Actual twinkle – the way light reflects on the water at a certain time of day, swoon

  • Pub day for a favorite author

  • Going for a walk with someone who makes you laugh/cry

  • A dreamy hot bath

  • Your new milk frother

  • Trying a new recipe that the kids didn’t hate (keep the bar low :))

  • Or, in a particularly rocky stretch, appreciation for breathing in and out with lungs that work

…there is something to celebrate. There is twinkle in your world.

Why look for twinkle?

When you celebrate life’s twinkle, you warm up to the possibility of change. From there, possibility blooms into a steady stream of potential. What a refreshing place to be. 

Now, this same Type A/Enneagram 6 client comes to each session prepared with something to celebrate.

Her brain scans automatically for wins throughout the week. Less focus on self-criticism, more attention on something magical and twinkley. Yes, challenges still abound, but in context of twinkle the sharp edges feel…softer.

Her coaching sessions (and life!) are on track for uplifting a-ha moments that boost well-being and transform her life into work of art and joy and meaning.

What twinkle in your life can you celebrate? Maybe some delicious “me time,” a breakthrough on a project at work, or a new audio book to fold laundry to. Whatever it is, celebrate it and use it as a springboard for positive change.

I’d love to hear how you bring twinkle into your life! DM me on insta or post in your stories and tag me! @honor_hawkins.


What is something from the last few days to celebrate?

Bonus points if you start a Twinkle Celebration Journal and keep track for a few weeks.

I only endorse products I personally use and highly recommend. If you grab any of these products via my links, I may get a small commission. However, there is no extra cost to you and no pressure to purchase anything.

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