How do you fill your joy bucket?

After a stressful few days, I had an inspiration burst on a recent walk and wanted to share it with you.

Maybe it’s because it’s officially spring. Or because Q2 has started and the school year is not-too-far from being over (whaaaaaat?). Or because life has been extra life-y lately.

But I need a wee wellbeing reset.

Nothing major or too hard or too tiring. Just a wee reset in thinking and doing to help boost my inner sparkle.

When I start to avoid my workouts, double down on chocolate, and procrasti-clean my pantry, that’s my cue that overwhelm is creeping in and burnout is just around the bend.

If you’re feeling similarly, why don’t we reset together this month?

Let’s start with this video from professional coach Alison Whitmire, PCC. I’ve never worked with her, but discovered her nourishing wisdom through the Institute of Coaching, a Harvard-affiliated professional organization for coaches.

Alison’s quick take on
filling your joy bucket” will be the best thing you’ll watch all week (except for Ted Lasso, nothing beats Ted Lasso). Watching this is your quick, simple next step for hitting your own reset button by focusing on tipping your scales toward joy.

Quick context: In the beginning she references EQ, which is emotional intelligence (Pretend Book Clubbers, here you go: But the real focus here is you and the self-agency you deepen through the ongoing practice of filling your joy bucket.

Here are a few ways I filled my joy bucket over the weekend:

  • Dinner out with one of our favorite families. Kids played, parents laughed. Someone else cooked and cleaned. I even brought my “emotional support adult coloring supplies,” these pencils and this peony-themed coloring book.

  • Driveway pickleball with my big kid.

  • Tucked myself in extra early Saturday night. Sipped tea and watched the new Hallmark movie.

  • Ended the weekend with a family meeting where we celebrated wins and gave each other compliments.


What did you used to do just because you loved doing it? What are a few ways you will fill your joy bucket this week?

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