From Frazzled to Flourishing: Your Wellbeing Mini Reset

My Sunday Habit

A few months ago I started a new habit in my home that has created so much joy and saved me so much stress: the Sunday mini reset. 

I listen to music or a fun audiobook while I tidy the kitchen, fluff my bedroom, look at the week ahead, pack various bags, and discover fur balls and lone socks in the craziest of places. It’s not a 3 hour deep clean. More like a quick, focused spruce.

But the return on investment is exponential.

This outer order creates inner order. The entire week becomes happier and more centered. There is more beauty, intention and grace. Less tension and frustration.

And even though I try to keep up with it all during the week, by Sunday the house needs another mini reset. So it goes!

The same is true for ourselves.We can benefit from mini resets just like our home and family can.

So I created one for you. And it’s free! 💝

Fried and Frazzled, A Meltdown Story

Feeling constantly fried and frazzled can be a crisis that leaves you feeling stuck, tired, and uninspired. It can also lead to health challenges that set you on a healing journey, like poor sleep, thyroid and adrenal issues, weight gain, mood disorders, headaches, joint pain or my  personal favorite: heart palpitations! I could go on for days.

And if you happen to be in midlife and/or highly sensitive, it can feel 10x more overwhelming. I can relate. I turned 50 in March, and as someone with just-discovered ADHD who is also highly sensitive, I understand that physical and emotional care are non-negotiable for thriving. I’m like a 50 year-old toddler in that way. Without consistent TLC, meltdowns are guaranteed.

My idea of wellbeing and what it means to “live well” has evolved over the last 20 years. I’ve tried it all! It's easy to neglect our own wellbeing amidst work demands, snack needs, school holidays and daily chaos.

THE Wellbeing mini reset

I designed the Wellbeing Mini Reset to help you prioritize feeling good so you can reset whenever you need to. It's a quick (5 minutes) practical tool to help you get on a better path so you can flourish.

A few tips to make the most of your reset:

  • When possible, choose  practices that delight you! Your intention is to support mental and physical thriving.

  • If you’re feeling overwhelmed, make the actions even more tiny.

  • Place a visual reminder of your actions in your planner, on your desk, on your bathroom mirror (I love these aesthetic post its)

  • Prioritize sleep. If you’re already sleep deprived, don’t choose to get up early and exercise. Choose more rest.

  • To boost motivation, celebrate even the baby steps forward. Focus on strengths and successes. If you haven’t done a deep dive on your strengths yet, this tool is fantastic and free or low cost, depending on how much you want to know.

  • Do it with a friend. Seriously! Accountability boosts your odds of success.

Ready to begin your Wellbeing Mini Reset? Click below.

All you need to create a positive ripple in your life is a tiny step forward.

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